2023: A Breakthrough Year for General Hyper-Automation

2023: A Breakthrough Year for General Hyper-Automation

2023: A Breakthrough Year for General Hyper-Automation

This year is set to be a game-changer for the 8 billion people living in 2023. With the arrival of General & Intelligent Automation, we are on the cusp of freeing ourselves from monotonous and unfulfilling jobs and instead dedicating our time and energy to pursuits that truly inspire and engage us.

Hyperautomation is set to revolutionize the way we live and work, and its benefits will extend to everyone. This technology will enable us to tackle more challenging and creative problems as a team, and its strategic implementation through advanced conversational AI like Athena will result in a state of hyperautomation for our organizations, making them self-sustaining and almost lifelike.

Hyperautomation is akin to a person undergoing a ketogenic diet, as it burns the fat (outdated systems and processes) and transforms the organization into a highly efficient machine. This technology has been around for a long time, and staying stagnant is nothing short of a death sentence.

In an organization, if it doesn’t evolve, it dies, and this is why change is an inevitable part of progress. Bureaucratic organizations and countries that don’t keep up with the times will soon find their value proposition being questioned. With the rapid pace of technological advancement, many of the current systems will soon seem obsolete.

Conversation will play a crucial role in the operational systems of the future. The ability to simply speak with our technology will enable us to accomplish much more than clicking buttons on a keyboard or screen. This is how we have evolved over the past thousands of years, and AI and intelligent software are set to take this to the next level, allowing us to turn our aspirations into reality with ease.

Traditional interfaces have been clunky and complex for over 40 years now, requiring us to understand the interface map, its limitations, and its capabilities. This is not only inefficient but also uneconomical. With HyperAutomation, however, this is set to change. Starting small, by automating individual tasks and skills, is the first step towards realizing the full potential of this technology. The easier the starting point, the sooner you can test and iterate to find what works best for your goals.

The automation hierarchy can be broken down into tasks, activities, systems, and foundational pillars of a business. Tasks are the simplest workflows in a business, such as adding new leads to an email list or signing contracts. Activities are strings of tasks performed on a weekly basis, such as launching a new feature or onboarding a new customer. Systems are like organs, stringing together multiple activities, and usually take a month or quarter. The major components of an organization include Legal, Marketing, Operations, Financial Analysis, Data operations, and more.

In conclusion, 2023 is set to be a landmark year for HyperAutomation, and the sooner organizations embrace this change, the better their chances of thriving in the future. So, take that first step towards activating your own golden age and start automating things internally. The future is yours to shape!

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