3 Signs That You’re Ready To Level Up Your Passion

3 Signs That You’re Ready To Level Up Your Passion

2019 is a very challenging year for me. It is not only that I shifted my dance career into the next level but also living a new life in Vientiane Laos is like a reset button for me. I accept the offer to teach dance in one of the prestigious international schools, the Vientiane Pattana School international. I thought I will only teach dance like the usual things that I do but I didn’t expect that I will become director of their yearly show every June. It is a very challenging offer and the only thing I always think that everything happens for a reason. I told myself that maybe this is the next level and the universe is preparing me for something big that will happen in my life. I’m always flexible to any changes as long as I have a growth on every move I take.

Here are the signs that I feel before I decided to take the challenge and level up my self.

1. You feel less inspire with the routine you do.

When I arrived here in Vientiane everything is new to me. From culture and food to people and places it feels like I’m in the new kind of world.

I teach dance for 10 years and I know already the foundation and the process of teaching the basics especially that I used to teach kids. When you do your usual routine you will be used to it thus makes me bored when I always do it. Then I realize what I am doing is not growing anymore and I feel less inspired.

2. The voice in your head is saying, do it!

Then when our school director told me that one of us (music teacher and me) will direct the Year-End Show of our school in the coming June, I feel nervous and not ready. This is a very difficult decision cos I handle 14 classes and at the same time I will be directing the show for the whole school including the secondary department and I feel overwhelmed with all the work. I give time to my self to think about it. I travel to Malaysia to free up some space in my brain and there’s always a voice that speaks to me says ‘you need to do it, it’s your time to level-up’. I cannot sleep and I cannot eat well, maybe because of the stress that the plan is hanging and no one takes responsibility to accept the challenge.

And it’s about time that I entertain the voice and that’s the time I decide that I need to accept the challenge.

3. You see big opportunities

We start rehearsing in early February and arrange all the music and plans. My concept is VPSI Got Talent and I presented it to the panels of teachers that had experienced doing this job for several years. I always think that we need to level up the performances and be more creative and put a lot of effort into it. As I am walking the routines and performances I picture out that there’s a big opportunity along the way. And the passion for dance that I felt before became fresh again and directing please me and gives me desire. I started directing. It’s like you taste the exotic food and you are loving it even though you don’t know what is the ingredients. I always talk to myself – ‘just do it!’ and everything will be ok.

When you’re ready to make a change in your life, almost anything becomes an opportunity.

The Vientiane Pattana School International Year-End Show 2019 Entitled ‘VPSI GOT TALENT’

In early 2019, I came up with the idea of having a ‘Got Talent’ concept, like a variety show style. I work in the television entertainment business for the last few years and it’s easy for my first ever job as a director to pull-on this concept. I choose this concept so that it’s easy for me to do both performances and transitions.

It was a very successful show where everyone is happy wrapping it. Our school director is happy, parents are happy and my co-workers who give their time & effort are also happy. The Pre-Primary department shows its cutest dance moves based on the personality of their class, their parents are very proud of them. The lower Primary performs their best Disney musical dance performance, singing, and interpretative dance. While the higher primary produces a variety of talents like hip hop dance, magic, and luminous dance. The secondary also presents sexy K-pop dance moves and very entertaining musical instruments that amazes the audience.

The greatest lesson I’ve learned in this event is that in order for the ideas to work, I need to free up my mind. Be collaborative and don’t be freak slash creative, they will not work together. GIve chance to other people to explore their own creativity, collect and put it together because two minds are better than one. Trust your vision because you can’t be what you can’t see.

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