Watch Survivor Online: Season 41 Survivor 41 – Episode 1

Watch Survivor Online: Season 41 Survivor 41 – Episode 1

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A New Era is the season premiere of Survivor 41.


Day 1[]

Host Jeff Probst opens the season by addressing the viewers, saying that he has missed them ever since Survivor went on hiatus because of the COVID-19 pandemic. After looking back on the show's evolution, Jeff decides to let the viewers in on what is happening this time around. He then updates the audience on the new twists, including a package labelled the "Beware Advantage", which he plants at the Yase tribe camp, noting that a similar advantage has also been placed at the other tribe camps. Jeff also mentions the new Game Within The Game feature for the viewers to play and somehow feel the Survivor experience.

Eighteen new castaways arrive in Fiji on three boats. They have been divided into three tribes, with each boat containing three men and three women. The castaways arrive and board a barge floating in the water where Jeff is waiting for them.

Jeff officially welcomes the cast to Survivor 41, and expresses his excitement as they are able to get the show going again. Abraham is thankful there are no masks and no confinement while Erika, one of the original applicants who were supposed to compete last fall, is also grateful. Naseer, a Sri Lankan immigrant, reveals Survivor had helped him speak English. Heather, a fan since Survivor: Borneo, says she misses watching the show which has been a family tradition.

Jeff addresses the game is being filmed under unusual circumstances, and encourages the cast to talk about anything that comes up if they have been meaning to talk about it. As an example, Jeff asks if the word "guys" from his catchphrase, "Come on in, guys!" bothers anybody in context and wants it to be dropped. Evvie, being a queer woman, feels that it is not a problem, and the cast agrees.

Jeff informs the cast the season will only span for 26 days, a third shorter than the standard 39; thus the game will be more fast-paced, and the tribes will start the game with meager supplies, consisting of a pot, a machete, and a flint, with no rice or food rations included to keep the game just as hard.

The three tribes then immediately compete in a Reward Challenge where the first tribe to win earns all of the supplies mentioned earlier, while the other two tribes will get nothing, and must earn them another way back at camp. All three tribes scatter across the deck, working together to find their paddles. Luvu and Ua start tossing the paddles they have into the water while one person gathers them. Soon, both tribes have all six and jump in the water, while Yase discovers that they are missing one paddle. Luvu gets everyone on their boat, unclips first and starts paddling, while Yase is clueless about where their missing paddle is. Ua gets everyone and unclips the boat, chasing after Luvu, who in the meantime has stopped moving even as they paddle. Ua overtakes Luvu and gets around the buoy. Yase still has not found their paddle, so Tiffany jumps in the water to gather and count them. Luvu is stuck in the same spot as before, leaving them confused. Ua comes back to the barge, grabs their flint, and wins the challenge. Afterwards, Liana finally finds the paddle for Yase, and Luvu realizes that while they unclipped the front of their boat, they did not unclip the back, so they have been dragging an anchor the whole time, which slowed them down. Following the Ua tribe's win, all three tribes paddle their way to their respective camps.

Ua arrives on their beach, where Sara reflects on the impact COVID has had on her life, and what gives her strength to play the game which was her grandmother whom she lost from the disease. She explains, "Last year, my grandmother passed away from COVID, and losing her was hard in itself, but when you're in a position when you can't do anything about it, like, I wouldn't wish that upon anyone. My grandmother enjoyed Survivor a lot; we would watch it together. I feel like I'm here almost for her. Obviously, the fact that I lost her is very sad, but I do feel her presence with me and I feel like that's gonna give me so much strength throughout the game." Brad starts chopping the bamboo, and thinks back to working on the ranch with his father, who passed away just before he left. Brad introduces himself in a confessional, "I'm a cattle rancher; I own a fourth-generation cattle ranch, and we've just raised beef for the last hundred years. And so, I'm used to working with my hands all the time. If there's a well down and the cows are out of water, we gotta fix it. On the ranch I was always dad's right-hand man, and so there's a lot of responsibility. Five years ago, cancer got ahold of him, and dad died a week before I came out here. Survivor was kinda one of those things where it's like, go play Survivor and do this one for you. You wanna get the most outta life; you wanna get the most out of it." As Ua attempts to make fire with the flint, Sara comically compares their marooning to that of Borneo where the castaways were given canned food while they did not. JD volunteers to try the flint, in which he is successful. Enthused, JD says, "For the past year, because of COVID, I may not have been playing Survivor, but I was playing Survivor; I was practicing all the time, making fire with flint, with coconut, with grass, everything, just making that flame. As a superfan, making fire on Survivor was incredible."

Yase arrives at their camp, embarrassed by their performance at the Reward Challenge, laughing and hoping their families will skip the first episode. As they enter their beach, they find an hourglass, a triangular frame, and two steel barrels. A note states that for them to earn the supplies they lost from the challenge, they have to choose one of two tasks: "Savvy", which requires them to count the number of triangles within the triangle given in one guess, or "Sweat" where two members, without any help from their four other tribemates, are to fill up both barrels with water, but the pair may only collect water from the far side of the beach and only have four hours to complete the task. Failure to succeed on either task will result to the tribe not receiving the supplies until after the first Immunity Challenge. Evvie laments, "It's scary. We need a pot, we need a machete, we need flint. Like, this is a huge, huge, huge decision." As the tribe discusses which task to do, it is pointed out the "Savvy" task may have triangles that can be easily overlooked, and since the tribe missed a paddle at the Reward Challenge, the tribe agrees to perform "Sweat" instead. Voce feels more optimistic at first, as they have multiple people who can work together on the task, thus he will not be singled out from the whole group. Voce says, "Being a neurosurgeon, you are constantly thinking through scenarios, and I really want the 'savvy' option to be chosen. One of the rules for the physical challenge said only two people can do it and the rest of the tribe goes off, and you would have to be an idiot to do that, because that means you're sequestered from your tribe." Voce's fears are realized when Xander offers to try the "Sweat" task with him as his partner. Voce expresses his concerns with Xander, stating the task would leave them exhausted, but he gives in and agrees to help him while the rest can build the shelter for them. Unwittingly putting himself in such a strenuous task, an annoyed Voce says, "I'll look like a little weenie if I'm just like, 'No, no, I don't wanna do it', and so of course I have to say, 'Yeah, I could do that with you. We could get it done. Sure. No problem.' How did I get roped into this, while now these people are gonna go make bonds, hunt for idols as they build the shelter? They're gonna start this game; I'm not starting this game. I'm the moron running along the beach back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. Idiot!"

Luvu arrives at their beach and are given the same dilemma Yase got. Without giving a second thought, Danny and Deshawn volunteer to do the "Sweat" task. Sydney is not surprised by this decision, having taken their previous blunder into account. Sydney jokes, "Immediately, Deshawn's like, 'We can for sure do "Sweat".' It really wasn't even a conversation. I mean, clearly our brains aren't working; we couldn't even unclip a hook, what makes us think we can solve a triangle riddle?" As Danny and Deshawn get started, Naseer makes the tribe agree to a promise that there will be no strategy talk until the two have finished their task. The two men attempt to carry the pots with a pole of bamboo, only for it to break after a couple trips. Danny and Deshawn then realize and ponder about being informed about the season being brutal. Danny explains, "We start off with no food, no pot and no machete. This is the horrible part of Survivor. It's like, 'What is this?'. So we need to just put the work in, grind hard; this is a new era of Survivor".

Back at Ua, as the tribe continues to build their shelter, Sara asks Genie about her marriage, and Genie reveals she has been married to her wife for 20 years. Genie knew how stigmatizing it was to be a gay Asian back then, so it felt incredible and very important to her that people are now being more accepting towards people like her today. Genie shares, "I was about 25, and my now-wife proposed to me. I have a very traditional family, so I knew the first thing I gotta do was tell my mom, you know? I thought she was gonna be really upset with me; she gives me a diamond, and she says. 'I want you to give this to Lindsey', and I was so touched by that, because just from that gesture my mom was telling me she accepted me, she loved me for who I was, and, you know, she never said those words to me, but I knew it all right at that exact moment." Sara also asks Ricard the same question. Ricard explains he never he has been married to his husband for 6 years and they have a daughter. Ricard says, Being on Survivor, it's complicated because I'm leaving behind a 22-month-old daughter. She doesn't understand why I'm gone, or that I'm coming back, and my husband—who's working a full-time job while taking care of out baby, while also being a transgender pregnant man—I'm leaving behind a lot. But if I won this money, I would be able to know that my children's whole childhood up to adulthood I could take care of them, and so I'm here for a really good reason: to make a really big impact on my life.

Back on Luvu, Danny and Deshawn are still doing their task, when they decide they have some spare time to make quick hunts for their tribe's Hidden Immunity Idol. The two of them agree not to tell anyone else if one of them finds it. Talking about their side quest, Danny says, "I believe me and Deshawn have a pretty strong alliance. We make some deals while we are out here, we're trying to figure out, you know, what we wanna do and how we can move further in this game, and if you're gonna look for an idol, look for it on the first day. Unbeknownst to the two of them, Naseer, who initially came by to check on their progress, catches them looking around the woods instead of finishing their task when the hourglass is already half-empty. Nasser says, "So, I'm checking on Danny and Deshawn, how the water-carry challenge was going, but I couldn't find them. And then I can see all the way to the end; to me it looks like they were looking for idols. I got a little bit disappointed because I'm the one that said 'There is no strategy until these guys come back'. Then I'm like, okay, they're going behind our back trying to find an idol. One of them has to go. Upset, Naseer expresses his worry to the women they might not have their supplies if the two men keep idol hunting. Surprised, Erika vows to keep an eye on them moving forward. Naseer offers a pitch that if Luvu loses immunity, they keep it simple and vote either Danny or Deshawn out. Erika says, Danny and Deshawn are potentially looking for an idol during the water penalty, so it's waving a few red flags for us. You know, thinking about what can happen the next few rounds, like, those guys could save each other with an idol; all of a sudden, like, they pick off the 'weak' people; then all of us are screwed at that point."

Back at Yase, Voce and Xander are starting to tire from their task, but they push on. Evvie tells Liana the two are likely to be a tight duo after the penalty, and since she feels close with Liana, the four of them might be able to work together in the future, in which Liana agrees. Liana explains, "I definitely think Evvie right now is my number one. I don't know what it is, but I just have and inkling of genuineness and authenticity with her." As the two girls get to know each other, Evvie tells Liana she works in a lab as a genetics research assistant. In truth, Evvie is actually a PhD student on human evolutionary biology: a personal information she chooses not to disclose to her tribe. Evvie says, "In the game, I don't think I'm gonna tell everyone I'm doing a PhD in human evolutionary biology at Harvard; I think that'll make me be a big target. But I've been studying natural selection, you know, what survives and what doesn't survive my whole life, so I'm really excited to play the ultimate survival game."

Abraham asks Evvie what kind of game she wants to play on Survivor, and Evvie tells him she will not be ruthless unless she has to be, and most of her game will be based on genuine relationships and working with them for as long as she can. Evvie ask the same question back, and Abraham says he firstly wants to try and give the tribe a physical edge over Luvu and Ua. Abraham explains, "The first challenge that we had jumping off the barge, we looked like a weak tribe. If we don't win, we vote. Winning stops the voting, and if I can't win, I need to find a fall person." Abraham brings up the Reward Challenge to Evvie, accusing Tiffany of being inactive during the challenge when a paddle was drifting away as she swam to their boat. Liana overhears this and warns Tiffany that Abraham is targeting her. Upset, Tiffany explains actually got all the paddles they found and put them in the boat so they will not float away. A cancer survivor, Tiffany hopes she can survive these odds too. Fuming, Tiffany says, "Day 1, we all messed up together, so throwing my name under the bus, it got me pissed. But I have a lot of social skills and a lot of resilience. I'm what they call a 'previvor'. My mother died of ovarian cancer when I was sixteen, when I was a senior in high school, and I had the genetic code for that which was the BRCA gene. I was one of the first people in the U.S. to make the decision to have preempted double hysterectomy and oophorectomy, and I knew that if I did the surgery, yeah, that was not gonna be the best thing in the world for a young girl to have to do that; I was only thirty-two. But they did find the beginning of breast cancer, so it saved my life, and I was quoted in the medical world as a previvor. Now I'm here, so it's time to take that title and change it to 'survivor', and that's what I wanna do."

Back at Ua, JD and Sara are tending to their fire when JD brings up to Sara the fact that they are the youngest on the tribe and younger players historically are not seen as threats, and believes they should change that. JD later talks to the rest of the tribe individually. JD explains, "Coming out here, I didn't wanna be the guy who's talking strategy all the time; I don't want that target. So what I wanted to do was, I wanted to have little, tiny conversations, just getting to know people. But at the same time, because the game's 26 days, it is definitely gonna go by so much faster; it's like it's been injected with jet fuel. Me being a superfan, I know s***'s about to get real; it's about to get real, real fast." Ricard, while fond of JD, notices he is game-savvy and believes he may be a threat down the line. Ricard says," JD is a sweetheart, but he's here to like, play. He's like, really intense, he's really trying to make connections with every single person, and I feel like there's something untrustworthy right now." At the well, Ricard, Shan and Sara discuss JD playing too hard too early. Sara and Shan share the same sentiment. Shan however tries to make her own connections more subtly, building a rapport with JD, Brad and Genie. Shan states she is doing all of these while humming a sinister tune in her head. She says, "There are many skills I bring to the table as a result of being a pastor. Active listening is huge, especially in a game where you can't trust anyone; I want people to feel like they can trust me. Being able to create bonds with people and establish a strong relationship, that's the disguise, right, so they won't see me cut their throat in the end. I am working everyone at this moment, and I have a soundtrack that I hum in my head while I'm up to evil, like, literally I have a soundtrack that I hum (a musical score that is in tune with her plays in the background)."

At Yase, after hours of carrying and walking, Voce and Xander finally complete their task, with a relieved Xander lying in the sand in exhaustion.

At Luvu, with their hourglass being close to empty, Danny and Deshawn call off their idol hunt and finish what they left off. The task is completed, and the tribe applauds Danny and Deshawn's efforts as they come back to camp, with their pot, machete and flint now available for them. Danny says, "We took that chance, and worked that hard to get the supplies, so I think it built us a little respect in our tribe." While Danny, Heather and Naseer leave to retrieve the supplies from Tree Mail, Sydney informs Deshawn that Naseer caught them looking for the idol. A mad Deshawn states, "Danny was bustin' ass, I was bustin' ass out there, like, it wasn't easy to do, and damn, you got a lot of nerve to come back and say that two people who just won you a machete need to be voted out. That's insane. I was upset. Immediately, for me, 'Okay, it has to be Naseer', because this is the game he's playing. He has to go.

Day 2[]

Luvu takes a morning walk catch crabs. Sydney loves the experience thus far, believing this game is her next big challenge. She says, "Survivor makes sense for me. I love to travel with nothing but the clothes on my back, my retainer, my passport and a credit card—wish it was my dad's, but it's mine. I've been to 49 countries. I always need to challenge myself in life, and Survivor just made sense." Later in the day, Sydney spots a boat coming to their beach and calls everyone over. The boat driver hands over a note instructing the tribes to send one of their own, make a decision, and return to camp right after. After much indecision, Danny volunteers and enters the boat. Xander goes for Yase, and JD for Ua.

The three boats convene on another island where Danny, JD and Xander are welcomed with a sign, telling them to hike to the summit of the mountain and suggest they use their hiking time to get to know each other. The three men later realize the trek is punishing. JD explains, "I'm an athlete, so I thought I was gonna be fine. That trek had me gassed. But I thank God for giving me this experience, and this is my dream out here. Growing up, I was not always the bro with the long hair and the pretty teeth and the really nice style; I was bullied a lot, because I was short, I was skinny, I had braces, I had glasses. Y'know, I wasn't 'cool'. I always say I grew up more like Carlton Banks than I grew up like Will Smith. Watching Survivor made me feel as though I didn't need to fit into this mold that everybody wants to put me in. The people who I looked up to, the people who I loved to watch, I'm like, 'That's who I wanna be like'. I wanna be like Ozzy, y'know, I wanna be like Woo. And so, that's why I say Survivor built me up, and Survivor helped me become who I am, and without Survivor I wouldn't be this guy; I wouldn't be the guy who loves being out in the jungle; I wouldn't be the guy who on Day 1 of Survivor started fire! I'm the youngest kid out here; it feels incredible! This is who I wanted to be my whole entire life. I'm out here and I'm a Survivor player." Danny, JD and Xander finally reach the top of the mountain and spot another sign, telling them to go back down the mountain and separate, after which each will make a private decision before heading back to camp. Each of them comes across with their own ship's wheel with instructions. With the time the three got to get to know each other, they are presented with a prisoner's dilemma: "Protect" or "Risk" their vote in their first trip to Tribal Council. By unanimously choosing "Protect", all three keep their votes, while unanimously choosing "Risk" will strip all three of their votes, but if there is a split decision, those who chose "Protect" will keep their votes while those who chose "Risk" will not only keep their votes, they will also receive an Extra Vote parchment. Danny, JD and Xander make their decision, the results of which will be known to them when they enter the voting booth at Tribal Council. Not confident enough to risk his vote and betray his tribe, Danny chooses to protect his, while JD and Xander's choices are not shown. Xander explains, "The pro to protecting your vote is that at next tribal, you don't have to worry; and the pro to risking your vote is that you have this weapon that can get you out of a sticky situation. What I gleaned instantly from those guys is that they wanna play hard. It's the prisoner's dilemma. You just met these people, but you really don't know how they are gonna respond to something that could benefit them personally. It's a 'high risk, high reward' situation." Danny explains his choice to keep his vote: "If I risk my vote, and I ended up losing, then I would lose my vote at the next Tribal Council, and I don't think the risk was worth the reward. So if JD and Xander decided to risk their vote, they will both have extra votes at Tribal Council." JD jokes, "The best decisions in the history of mankind have inevitably been decided by eenie meenie miney mo."

The three return to their camps where all of them tell the truth about their trip and what came with going. While Luvu generally accepts Danny's story, Yase however remains cautiously optimistic with Xander's, and Ua has mixed feelings with JD's despite him telling the truth, even after JD offers to let his tribemates search his bag. In truth however, both Xander and JD risked their votes, though the outcome of their gamble remains unknown to both of them. Nervous on how his explanation was received by his tribe, Danny says, "I absolutely felt the pressure to come back and let them know what really happened at that mountain." While having said the truth, Xander can't help but be nervous, so he says, "My tribe knows I'm coming back with something that helps me or the tribe, and we all know how this game works. If I come back empty-handed, they're left to assume the worst, which is bad for me. With the way I was able to present my story, I didn't have to keep up with my lie and, you know, remember the little things that changed and tweaked. So, I always find it interesting that people love to lie about these risk/reward scenarios." Excited to report back to his tribe, JD says, "I sit everybody down, and I'm like, 'I have a story to tell'! I told them that I protected my vote, and I gave them so much information, that I don't think I left room for them to believe I was leaving anything out. I think they ate it up. I really think I sold it really well. I feel good." Cautious of JD, Ricard says, "JD just came back from his little fun adventure, and I don't believe (expletive) what he just said; it just doesn't make sense. He's shady-boots lying, so let's get rid of JD."

Day 3[]

The tribes meet for their first Immunity Challenge. Jeff asks Ricard how is camp life three days in. Ricard brings up the moment on Day 1 when they all discussed whether to keep the word "guys" in "Come on in, guys!" and whether it bothered anybody. Ricard actually did not agree they should keep using "guys", but was too overwhelmed to speak up about it earlier. He believed Survivor has changed so much in the past 21 years, allowing people from different walks of life to play, so he hopes removing the word would make the show more inclusive. Jeff respects Ricard for bravely bringing it up again, and he agrees. From now on, Jeff promises to change the catchphrase to "Come on in!", while he breaks the fourth wall by looking at the camera, knowing there will be fans who will mock him for it.

Before informing the tribes the mechanics of the challenge, Jeff presents a new twist: the Shot in the Dark die, which can be used at Tribal Council as a last resort if a player perceives danger of being voted out with no alternative options left. To invoke the Shot in the Dark, a player must give up their vote upon arriving at the voting booth, insert their die in a container, and reach into a bag full of scrolls, one of which reads "safe". The player would then return to their seat and present their chosen scroll to Jeff at the time where he allows a play of a Hidden Immunity Idol. If the player does get the "safe" scroll, its effect is similar to that of a Hidden Immunity Idol, negating all votes against the user, resulting in the elimination of the player with the next highest number of votes. After explaining the challenge, as a final twist, Jeff tells the tribes only one tribe will win immunity, sending the two other tribes to Tribal Council with their flints forfeited after the challenge.

All three tribes are dead even from the start. The tribes work to carry their sandbags off the track, some carrying two at a time. Luvu loses momentum when one of their bags fell off the finish platform. Yase takes a brief lead on the tower. Jeff sees Luvu's fallen bag, forcing the blue tribe to drag their sled back and pick up the fallen bag. Ua takes the lead over Yase while hoisting up the crate of puzzle pieces. Naseer picks up the their fallen sandbag and pushes the sled again, but pause before placing their sled on the end platform. Ua reaches the top first, allowing Sara and Shan to work on the puzzle. Luvu quickly catches up to Yase, both reaching the top at nearly the same time. Evvie and Liana do the puzzle for Yase, while Deshawn and Erika work for Luvu. Ua is still in the lead, but Sara suddenly panics over a missing puzzle piece. Yase and Luvu catch up as Sara finds the missing piece from one of the puzzle bags. Ua tries to catch up for lost time, but Luvu finishes their puzzle first in a come-from-behind victory. For losing the challenge, Ua and Yase are forced to give up their flints, but Jeff assures they can win them back if they win the next Immunity Challenge.

At Yase, Evvie breaks down, feeling that they disappointed their tribe. The others try to cheer them up. Liana felt bad too, overwhelmed by everything going on while she was building the puzzle. However, despite the defeat, Liana already knows who she wants to vote out; she just hopes the tribe is not focusing solely on physical strength.

S41 liana t
The first Immunity Challenge was quite difficult, but me and Tiffany want to take out Abraham, because he wants her out, and hopefully he'll go home tonight.

Abraham and Xander talk with Voce, stating they discussed they idea of keeping the tribe strong; Abraham brings up Tiffany's challenge performances, as he did not know what she was doing in either of them, feeling she is the weakest link. Voce understands Abraham's reasoning, seeing how brutal this season is becoming.

S41 voce t
This is a different Survivor; the physical demand that has been put on us right now is intense. And so, looking at it, having strength is an asset while we can still preserve it.
S41 abraham t
My day to day, I'm a cyber security analyst, so I look at different perspectives of how to execute my job, and the Yase tribe as a whole is a great tribe; so, what we need to do is execute better, so we can compete in challenges; we can't get that if we have parts that are not as strong, or doesn't work together well. I think when we get rid of Tiffany, it's gonna make us stronger.

Abraham, Voce and Xander talk to Evvie about the vote in the water, again bringing up Tiffany. Abraham is worried their tribe will be decimated if they do not have strength. Evvie tells Abraham they are in on the plan, but reveals in a confessional that they want to keep Tiffany as an ally. Evvie begins warning their tribe-mates not to underestimate Abraham, and that Tiffany is someone who can be loyal in the long-run.

S41 evvie t
We just failed hardcore in the last challenges, you know, so the guys are thinking we need Abraham, and on the other hand, the 'weak' target on the table is Tiffany. But there's six of us, and I don't wanna be in a situation where keeping the tribe strong means getting rid of all the women. Right now, I'm trying to convince my tribe to vote out Abraham; I think he's a really good guy, I think he'd be great to work with for a while, but Tiffany is someone that I wanna go really deep in this game with. I don't wanna lose Tiffany; she's been a very familiar type of person to me. We click, and we both wanna really work together, which puts me in a really good spot.

Evvie lets Tiffany know Abraham is convinced she is going, and that she is currently fifty-fifty with Voce. Tiffany is unsettled hearing her name be tossed around, and goes idol hunting in the jungle in hopes of staying safe. However, she narrowly misses finding the Beware Advantage right in front of her.

S41 tiffany t
I, like, really trust my gut instinct that it's gonna be fine tonight, but I'm—you have the feeling that, this is Survivor, and this is where people get in trouble, so I don't wanna be overconfident. So, going to Tribal Council tonight, having to figure out what do I need to do to save myself tonight, because I know my name's on the chopping block, if there was even a one-percent chance that I'm gonna get out, I wanna try to protect myself. And so, I went looking for an idol. I just wanna make it through tonight's tribal, but I could be blindsided, which would be, like, my worst Survivor nightmare.

On Ua, the tribe is dejected after having such a strong lead in the challenge, only to fall short because of one missing piece. Sara is especially heartbroken due to being one of the people in charge of solving the puzzle.

S41 sara t
We had such a big lead; I didn't come here to lose a challenge like that. I knew it was a risk; I told myself I wasn't gonna volunteer for puzzles for this exact reason. Someone has to go, and like, I genuinely feel like it's gonna be me. I'm gonna fight, like, I'm gonna fight for it to not be me.

Ricard and Sara reaffirm their plan to take out JD. Because there are only six people, they need all the help they can get. Ricard feels they can easily get Shan on board, because Shan adores Sara.

S41 ricard t
So, we all wanted to get out JD, but Shan and Sara messed up the puzzle, and I would be really surprised if they voted out Shan, so...I don't know if Sara's safe tonight. But I feel like JD should be next.

Ricard talks to Genie to try and get her on board, and later he and Sara discuss the plan with Shan in the bushes. Brad walks over, and Ricard invites him to join in on the conversation. Brad feels it is too soon for JD to go because of his physical strength. When Brad is asked to be honest about who he thinks should go instead of JD, he throws out Sara and Shan's names right in front of them, leaving Sara fuming.

S41 sara t
What? You're saying that to our faces? Brad is playing the game like they played it in 2000, like, 'Whoa, she messed up, she needs to go'. I'm thinking about using my Shot in the Dark; any single one of us has a one-in-six chance of immunity, so I think it'll change the way this game is played, I feel like.

At the well, Brad, JD and Shan are filling their water canteens. Brad warns JD his name has been mentioned by Sara and Ricard as a potential target, but he would prefer Sara to go over him.

S41 jd t
This freaking sucks, man! I really wanted to work with Sara, but Sara and Ricard were both throwing me pretty hard under the bus. The best option for me is to go with Brad, Shan and Genie and vote for Sara.

JD is in on the plan, and they all split up. After a chat with Genie, Shan takes note of everything she has learned, and considers all her options on the table before her tribe leaves for Tribal Council.

S41 shan t
I'm excited, but I'm also nervous, because my name has been thrown out there. Brad told me straight-up it could be me because of that one puzzle piece. But I feel like I have been in every conversation, enough to get a sense of what's going on. Brad is wanting to do Sara, and Ricard and Sara, they wanna do JD, so I kind of feel like I'm at the bottom because of the puzzle piece, I'm at the top because of social game, and I'm in the middle because of this divide. If I can get the person that I want out tonight, that puts me in a really good spot to keep controlling this game.

Yase attends Tribal Council first, for placing last in the challenge. Jeff starts by asking if Yase has found their vibe as a tribe, and Tiffany believes they have found it; they are cohesive and exist in harmony, accepting of each other. With only six people, Abraham is basing the voting criteria on who they have and what they put together for strength. Abraham's answer sounded very fine-tuned, like an experienced player, and Tiffany brings up his speaking skills and how you may not feel you were given a proper answer. Abraham does not argue with Tiffany about what she thought of him, but states he knows what he brings to the tribe. The idea of the Shot in the Dark terrifies Voce, but he also feels it may not be as scary as it appears to be. Liana believes the twist could cause a lot of chaos, as it takes that sliver of power to mess up someone's game. Xander sees Yase as the underdogs, and he wants to prove to Luvu and Ua that they can compete with them; Evvie believes they will leave Tribal Council more cohesive than they entered.

While voting, Xander receives an Extra Vote for taking the earlier risk. After the votes are revealed, Abraham is blindsided 5-1 against Tiffany, becoming the first person voted out of of Survivor 41.

Ua attends Tribal Council afterwards. Shan and Ricard think back to how close the entire tribe is; they never fought, they worked well together, and have a great sense of camaraderie, and yet they have to vote someone out. JD's trip to the summit is brought up; the tribe states they cannot help but feel suspicious about what he did there. Jeff brings up how Ua could have won the challenge; Sara and Shan agree it was a big mistake, and learned that mistakes can be very costly this season. As JD is answering a question about voting criteria, Ricard, Sara and Shan begin whispering to each other about what to do. The others notice, and JD thinks plans might be changing, mentioning how everyone has had their name thrown out. Sara counters back, saying her name was thrown out to her face, namely because of Brad. As Brad tries to explain, a live discussion starts and everyone begins whispering. As the tribe sits back down, everyone gets out their Shot in the Dark dice out of paranoia.

While voting, JD receives an Extra Vote for taking the earlier risk. After the votes are revealed, Sara is voted out in a 4-1-1 vote against Brad and Ricard, making her the second person voted out of Survivor 41.


Challenge: Marooning
Each tribe must race to collect boat paddles scattered around the ship deck in six different spots. Once they have all six of their paddles, they must jump off and swim to their tribe's boat. Once onboard and unclipped, they must then paddle out and around a buoy, come back, and grab the flint dangling on a rope on the edge of the ship. The first tribe to grab the flint wins.
Reward: Pot, machete, and flint
Additional Stipulation: The two losing tribes will have to earn their supplies in a penalty challenge waiting for them at camp.
Winner: Ua

Challenge: Bonus Track
Each tribe must climb over a net frame, then crawl under an obstacle filled with sawdust. They must then load bags of puzzle pieces onto a sled. Afterwards, two members at a time will move heavy sandbags off a track and onto a platform. Once the track is clear, they must push their sled down the track to the end, transfer their puzzle bags into a crate, and then hoist the crate to the top of a tall tower. Once at the top, two members must use the pieces in the bags to solve a puzzle. The first tribe to finish their puzzle wins.
Additional Stipulation: Both losing tribes must forfeit their flint, though they can win it back if they win the next Immunity Challenge.
Winner: Luvu

Tribal Council[]


Tribal Council 1:
S41 abraham t
Abraham (5 votes)
S41 evvie tS41 liana t
S41 tiffany tS41 voce tS41 xander t
Evvie, Liana, Tiffany, Voce, Xander
S41 tiffany t
Tiffany (1 vote)
S41 abraham t
S41 abraham bw
Eric Abraham

Voting Confessionals[]

For choosing to risk his vote, Xander found the Extra Vote advantage when he was called to vote. No confessionals were aired.

Final Words[]

S41 abraham bw
Oh, I was blindsided. (laughs) Didn't see that coming at all. This is a great group of people. I wish them all the best of luck. This is a great game, and I had a great opportunity in playing it.


Tribal Council 2:
S41 sara t
Sara (4 votes)
S41 brad tS41 jd tS41 ricard tS41 shan t
Brad, JD, Ricard, Shan
S41 brad t
Brad (1 vote)
S41 sara t
S41 ricard t
Ricard (1 vote)
S41 genie t
S41 sara bw
Sara Wilson

Voting Confessionals[]

For choosing to risk his vote, JD found the Extra Vote advantage when he was called to vote. No confessionals were aired.

Final Words[]

S41 sara bw
I feel really disappointed right now. I think my one regret would be not using the Shot in the Dark, but it's been my lifelong dream to come on this show, and even in these short three days, I feel like I've learned that I can really do more than I thought I could, and maybe not to trust people as much as I thought I could as well.

Still in the Running[]

S41 abraham bw
S41 sara bw
S41 brad t
S41 danny t
S41 deshawn t
S41 erika t
S41 evvie t
S41 genie t
S41 heather t
S41 jd t
S41 liana t
S41 naseer t
S41 ricard t
S41 shan t
S41 sydney t
S41 tiffany t
S41 voce t
S41 xander t


Secret Scenes[]

  • S41 GWG Ep1

    This week's Survivor GWG: "Day 1 alliance".

    "Yase Makes Fire": Day 1 at Yase, as Xander and Voce finish their penalty task, the rest of the tribe congratulate the two. Evvie describes the tribe is on "a state of euphoria". The tribe later attempts to create fire which fails, spending the night in the dark. The next day, after another valiant effort from Tiffany, Evvie and Xander, Yase finally makes fire.[2]
  • "Luvu Treemail": Luvu hopes to do better in the first Immunity Challenge than they did in the challenge on day one.[3]
  • "Ua Treemail": JD hopes to inspire kids like he was inspired in the past by Ozzy and Woo.[4]

Behind the Scenes[]


  • After not being aired over a year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 498-day gap between this episode and the previous episode, "It All Boils Down to This", is the longest gap between two episodes airing.
  • This episode marks the earliest occurrence of a Double Tribal Council in Survivor.
    • This is the first time in the US version where more than one player is voted out on Day 3.
  • This answer to this week's Survivor GWG is "Day 1 alliance". The puzzle was hidden at the final stage of the Immunity Challenge.


Survivor 41 Episodes
"A New Era" · "Juggling Chainsaws" · "My Million Dollar Mistake" · "They Hate Me 'Cause They Ain't Me" · "The Strategist or the Loyalist" · "Ready to Play Like a Lion" · "There's Gonna Be Blood" · "Betraydar" · "Who's Who in the Zoo" · "Baby with a Machine Gun" · "Do or Die" · "Truth Kamikaze" · "One Thing Left to Do... Win" · "Aftershow"

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